Monday 17 June 2013

Eat up, Tomorrow I die

I'm not expecting to die tomorrow, but I am expecting to begin my 80 hour famine, and that's pretty close. Instead of doing the 40 hour famine sucking on lollies and drinking juice, I'm going to spend 80 hours; that's three days and eight hours, eating nothing but vegetables and water.

I spent my spare time today making a menu, shopping, and trying to remember weather I had a concussion when I decided to do this. I am going to try to take a photo of or make a video of each meal I eat during the eighty hours. I will be putting all of this onto this blog.

Here is the menu I have planned. I will probably change most of it, but this is what I have.

Tuesday lunch time before the famine starts; One block of chocolate and a sandwich.

Tuesday snacks; Salad of two potatos, half a red onion, a chopped leaf of lettuce, and boiled beetroot, and parsley.

Tuesday dinner; one and a half baked Kumara in cabbage leaves

Wednesday breakfast; two carrots

Wednesday lunch; Lettuce, carrot, red onion, lettuce. baked potato with herbs.

Wednesday snacks; baked kumara chips

Wednesday dinner; soup

Thursday breakfast; boiled asparagus, calliflower, and carrots.

Thursday lunch; boiled yams + salad

Thursday snacks; raw carrots

Thursday dinner; salad and soup

Friday breakfast; potato with herbs of soup

Friday lunch; boiled asparagus, carrots, and calliflower.

Friday snacks; boiled yams.

Friday dinner; baked Kumara.

So that I can show a difference between what I normally eat and what I eat on the 80 hour famine, I am going to tell you what I have eaten today since I got home from school;

Carrot sticks with home made mayonase,

Pikelets with icing sugar and maple syrup,

The dinner pictured below.

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